Did you know that Stunt Puppy, a local company that makes leashes and collars, has come out with a special edition Pet Project leash and collar?

They are a beautiful copper color with turquoise stitching. And the best part…hands free! You can adjust the leash so that you can clip it around your waist, arm, backpack, whatever is handy!

You can buy online or buy locally at Bone Adventure. Does your favorite pet store carry Stunt Puppy? Ask them about our leashes. If buying online, you can follow the link on the left side of our page that says “Buy The Pet Project Gear”, or go directly to the Stunt Puppy website: http://www.stuntpuppy.com/gear/everyday-leash-454

$5.00 of every purchase goes directly to The Pet Project to help keep people and their pets together.