Thank You for a Great 2014!

2014 was a very big year for The Pet Project. We have so much to be grateful for. Many of you in our community coordinated food drives and fundraisers on your own. You asked your employers to match your donations. You showed up at events to show us that you...

Protect Doggie Paws

This is the time of year when little doggie feet experience a double dose of pain. First, there are the frigid cold temperatures of January and then there is all the salt that is meant to melt the snow and ice on our streets. Either one can be hard on a dog. There...

The Healing Power of Cats

It’s scientifically proven that having cats benefits the physical and mental health of their owners. Anyone who has ever had a cat can testify to the fact that cats greatly enhance our lives by providing a constant source of love and entertainment. We adore our...