We’re Still In The Running!!!

Thanks to all of you, The Pet Project finished in the top 100 for our category in the Pepsi Refresh Grant program. This means that we get to start over this month!!! Please vote, or text in your vote!! $250,000 can really go a long way towards keeping pets in their...


Thank you so much to all of our dedicated, wonderful supporters this year. We’ve got the best volunteers anyone could ask for, our community has been so, so generous and there are a lot of businesses that have pulled together to help our cause. I don’t...

Feb 13th Vaccination Clinic

Bryant Rec Center from 12pm to 3 pm. 3101 Bryant Ave. S Minneapolis, MN 55408 bryantsq@minneapolisparks.org If you’re having trouble keeping your pet up to date on it’s vaccinations, please join us for our discounted vaccination clinic. We are suggesting...