Feeling a little shaggy?

If you’re starting to feel like you have more and more in common with your fluffy pet when it comes to appearance, it might be time for a haircut. From now until the end of October, the stylists at Mezzanine Salon are offering $5.oo off a haircut with every bag...

The Gunflint Lodge

Bruce up at the Gunflint Lodge is just about the best guy ever. When you get a chance, head up there and enjoy the beautiful scenery, the activities and the cuisine. And you can do it all with your dog!...

Volunteer Meeting

We’re meeting at Urbanimal this Sunday, September 20th at 3pm. Urbanimal is located at 2106 Lyndale Ave S. in Minneapolis Join us for some snacks and a good time!

Star Tribune Article!!!

The Star Tribune did an article about The Pet Project. How exciting! http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/59136197.html?elr=KArksUUUycaEacyU

Big Events Coming Up

Hey everyone! The Pet Project has been invited to participate in a bunch of events this September. September 19th: Woofstock! This event is in the Linden Hills area and Bone Adventure is sharing their booth with us. The event is from 10 am to 3 pm. Bring your dog...