Here, kitty, kitty…

The Pet Project has had a lot of success reaching out to the dog community. People who have dogs tend to do things together with other people who have dogs, and those people have friends who have dogs…etc. It’s been great to get so much feedback from...

Who wants to help?

Hello, generous people. The Pet Project is trying to compile a list of volunteers because we’re growing quickly and could use the help. We need all kinds of help with fundraising, outreach, searching for grant possibilities, etc If you’re interested in...

More news

Or, rather, more of TPP in online news Hurray for Sidewalk Dog!

In The News!

Hey folks, check it out. The Daily Planet did an article about The Pet Project. I’m super excited about it.

Things are really picking up steam

I’d really like to thank everyone that’s been getting the word out about TPP. People have been contacting me left and right about participating in events, ideas for ways to get more food, and volunteering to help out. Your generosity is overwhelming and...